Ep #108: The Mindset of 100K

The Confident Coaches Podcast with Amy Latta | The Mindset of 100K

Wouldn’t it be great if there was a one-size-fits-all, step-by-step manual for creating 100K that worked for everyone

This is what I wanted for so long, and it’s something many of my clients come to me asking for.

So this week, I’m sharing the first of a three-part series on paving your path to 100K. Find out how I made my first 100K as a coach and the process I teach my masterminders. It’s not what you might think, but it will guarantee brilliant results. 


I’m bringing back my most raved about free 5-day training, Make More Offers! It’ll be running from December 6th to December 10th, and this is where you’ll learn how to get out of your head so you can make daily offers. You have to be there if you want to sign clients before the end of the year, so sign up by clicking here! 

I’m putting together a connection prize pack that one of you will get the chance to win. If you want in, all you have to do is commit to connecting for 100 days. Capture that in some way, whether in a Dropbox or Google Drive folder and then email it to me, or tag me in your posts on Instagram! On January 12th, 2022, I’ll tally up all of your connection posts, drop your name in a hat, and draw a winner!

What You’ll Learn:
  • Why your reliance on a step-by-step manual to 100K is keeping you stuck. 
  • How your path to 100K is all about building confidence. 
  • Why the first step in the process of confidence is all about mindset. 
  • The formula I’ve used to make my first 100K as a life coach.
  • 6 skills you need to cultivate the mindset of 100K.


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Full Episode Transcript:

You are listening to episode 108 of The Confident Coaches Podcast, the one where you define the mindset work you need to create 100K. All right, let’s go.

Welcome to The Confident Coaches Podcast, a place for creating the self-confidence you need to do your best work as a life coach. If you want to bring more boldness, more resilience, and more joy to your work, this is the place for you. I’m your host, Amy Latta. Let’s dive in.

Well hi coach. How are you doing today? It’s the last day of November. Holy cow, 11 months down 1 month left to go in the year of our Lord 2021. You all doing good? You all hanging in there? You all really excited about the rest of this year and what we can accomplish in the next four weeks?

Actually, speaking of the next four weeks, did you know that next week I am hosting a free training? I’ll have some more info at the end of this episode. But I think I just announced it yesterday. Yeah, I’m thinking about when I’m recording this and when this is coming out. I just announced it yesterday, I’m bringing back my most raved about, most requested training, Make More Offers. It’s all next week.

So if you haven’t hooked up on that, then you need to get yourself enrolled and ready to go next week. And again, I’ll have a little bit more information about how to get yourself enrolled at the end of this podcast. Stay tuned for that because Make More Offers will have you making more offers in the last month of this year, let’s see what we can create.

But today’s episode, I’m super excited. You know this, I say that in every episode, don’t I? I’m just so excited about today’s topic, my friends. Oh my gosh, that’s so cliche. I’m just so excited. I really am excited about the next three episodes actually because I’m going to break down the process of your path to 100K.

You’re going to understand how you’re going to pave your path to 100K. And it’s just really interesting to me when I was really thinking about what is it about the confidence work that I did? When I tried to break it down into a process and had to kind of like go back in time in my brain and really like, how did I do that?

How was confidence the key? How did I create that confidence? What were the things that I did that really got me there? And really breaking it down into a process, which is the process that you learn inside Confident Coaches Mastermind. I’m going to break down the process over the next three episodes, but really the comprehension, and the understanding, and the application, and the coaching you get in the actual mastermind.

It’s the actual process that I went through to create my first 100K. And by the end of these three episodes you’ll see that it’s actually the same process, here’s the interesting thing about this path to 100K process, it’s just the process you’re going to use to create anything new at any new level that you want. So It’s the goods, my friends.

And it’s so fascinating to me because I remember being that new coach, or maybe a coach who’s been around for quite a while but you’re just not getting consistent clients, and consistent income, and consistent engagement. I remember this, you want so desperately for somebody to give you the step one, step two, step three. Like give me the step one, two, and three that will create the result that I want, please.

It’s really interesting, it’s actually really even funny. I have a current member in my July Confident Coaches Mastermind who told me that I was the first coach that she’s hired where she wasn’t asking the coach to tell her exactly what to do.

And seriously, it has been an uncomfortable ride for her because she’s learning the path to 100K process, which does not involve me telling her exactly what to do. It’s giving her the tools to figure out exactly what she’s going to do from her own decisions and not from me telling her because that’s actually what creates confidence. But there’s no just tell me what to do here, which is uncomfortable if that’s how you have always operated, right?

That is not what this is. And so many of us get ourselves into a program or a spot where we think the answer is somebody else telling us specifically what to do today. We think we really want somebody to say, Post this content here on this day. Say this thing exactly in the conversation on the phone with them. On the phone with the client after they’ve hired you, ask this question and this question and this question.”

And I know that so many of you think this is what you want, because it’s what I thought I wanted in those first four to five years of my coaching business, before I figured out this process and before I created my path to 100K. I would literally write down every single coaching question that I heard my mentor coaches asking. And I tried to keep a working file of them.

Can you imagine coaching with me where I had another document up and I was constantly searching for the right question that somebody else has asked before?

I would memorize other people’s sales scripts. I would do whatever I could get my hands on them and I would try to memorize them. And I would have that in a document open when I was on a call also, so that I could try to follow along.

Which of course, think about that, I’m trying to follow a sales script. But that’s like trying to follow a script when the other person is an improv actor. It doesn’t work because you don’t know what they’re going to say. And so you’re like, well, that it’s not following my script. That’s not very confident building, right?

And all of the marketing, and copy writing, and social media programs that did try to tell me just what to do, and we’ve talked about this before, how did all of that work out? It doesn’t. It didn’t for me, that did not work for me. And for so many of you, it’s not working for you because someone telling you what to do does not make you confident. It’s not addressing the problem at all.

And I could tell you exactly what to do to create your path to 100K. But it may or may not actually work for you because, and you know this, you know this, this will be like the 576th time you’ve heard this, there is no one size fits all. What worked for me may not work for you, it may not work for the coach sitting next to you because you all are different. We’re all different and we all need different plans.

I can give you a specific marketing plan, a perfect script, a list of coaching questions, but your reliance on those things is in direct relationship to the level of your confidence in yourself. The more you think you need them, the less confident in yourself you are to do the thing.

So what I’m going to do over the course of the next three episodes is break down that process that I teach inside Confident Coaches Mastermind. It’s the process of how I made my first 100K as a life coach. It is the process of confidence, because confidence is making whatever you want to create inevitable.

And in this case, what you want to create is a life coaching business generating six figures a year. And once you understand and utilize the process of confidence, you can actually create whatever the hell you want to create. You’ll come up with your own damn plan to make it happen because you have the confidence to do it.

So I’m going to go ahead and I’m just going to give you the formula right now. It’s super simple, it contains three parts. And then we’re going to take the next three episodes to break down those three parts. And just kind of thinking about them, I feel like this is going to be the longest of those three episodes, but I reserve the right to make the other two longer.

Because the first one is mindset, because mindset plus action plus evaluation, this is the process of confidence. You cannot go wrong with that trio. And all of my clients will come in at different levels of understanding and already using each one of these. So my work is to help you figure out which one you need to work on in our time together.

My work is setting up that room, that container that is Confident Coaches Mastermind so you can explore these different mindsets that I’m going to share with you today so that you can figure out, try them on, which one fits? Which one is the work that you need to do right now?

This is actually the basis of the live event that I host that kicks off the start of every mastermind. This next mastermind is February 2022 mastermind, and we’re going to have a three day in person live event. Yeah, you heard me, in person. I’m so excited because this will be actually the first in person event that I host. And we are going to have a virtual option. We’re actually working on that right now, for those of you who aren’t ready to travel yet.

So not only will you learn the three pieces of the path to 100K process that is this three episode series that I’m getting ready to deliver to you. When you join Confident Coaches Mastermind you’ll leave the three day event knowing exactly how to use the process and where to focus the process for you.

You will walk away with everything that you need from the three day live event. The next six months will just be coaching and applying and tinkering and fine tuning the process so that it moves you forward on your path. So yes, this episode we are diving into that mindset.

What is mindset? What is that even? The definition is ridiculous, mindset is the established set of attitudes held by someone. Which is to say it’s your frame of mind. It’s the way you think, it’s your mentality. It’s not just one thought or belief, it’s how you think in general.

Mindset is your thinking vibe. And there are so many ways you can cultivate mindset that creates confidence and creates results that are inevitable. It’s not do this worksheet and you’ll have the mindset of a six-figure coach. It’s a recipe that is different for everyone.

See, again, one size fits all does not work. But your mindset dictates the way you think. And what you think directly affects the results that you want. So remember, the actions you want to take, that what you think you want other people are just telling you to do, these steps are driven by what you think and feel. And that is all in your mindset.

You can take action without mindset, but it may not get you the result you want. Or it will not create the feelings you think you’re going to have when you have that result. So mindset is that combination of thinking and feeling, it’s how your brain is functioning. It’s how you think, it’s how you operate, it’s your vibe.

And I can tell you this, nothing sucks more than a life coach who’s white knuckled it to multiple six figures, only to still be terrified of other people’s opinions, or still get paralyzed over what to do next, or be hustling and working 12 to 15 hours a day to get that work done. Or worse, to feel terrible all of the time because you thought the success would bring you the joy and the fun and the happiness that you’re missing in your life.

It doesn’t work that way. This is why working on your mindset now before the success is so important. Not only is it your path to success, it’s the path to the happiness in success once it’s here. In the path to 100K work that you will do in CCM, I teach you a few different advanced mindset techniques.

They’re just different tactics that you can use to help cultivate and build that mindset. And you get to decide what your focus is. So in our three day live event you’ll practice each of these that I’m getting ready to share with you and you’ll commit to working on one of them in your first 30 days. And after I go over what they all are, I’ll explain to you what you do after those initial 30 days inside the mastermind.

What do you think about you as a coach? What do you think about your offer and your coaching program? What do you think about your clients and your potential clients? Because it’s lack of belief in these three areas that makes making offers, and closing sales calls, and creating solid results for your clients such a struggle.

It always come down to this, my coach calls it the belief triad. But it’s always a lack of belief in one of these things, you as a coach, your offer, your clients. So looking at your belief plan will show you where your daily belief work is. And what do you want to think about you? What do you want to think about your offer? What do you want to think about your clients?

What I love, really, about doing a belief plan is the shift that you will see by doing this work over time. What felt wild and unbelievable and unattainable when you first get started, really truly does become, “Well yeah, obviously,” in such a short amount of time.

It’s been so fascinating to watch my clients that started with me, because the July class actually, some of them, we didn’t all get started until the first week of August. Some people got some bonus work in July, but it’s really been since the first week of August.

And to be able to see the shifts in their belief plans in just a couple of months is mind blowing. Stuff that they’re like, “I pulled up my notes from the first couple of calls and I’m looking at this and I’m thinking who is this person that wrote this?” It can happen in such a short amount of time when you focus on your belief plan.

Now, you might also choose to work on self-concept. Now self-concept is taking what you believe about yourself to a next level. Because self-concept is what you believe about yourself in all the different areas that are you. What do you want to believe about yourself as a coach, as an entrepreneur, as a salesperson selling coaching? As a woman business owner who also has a family? What do you want to believe about yourself as a successful professional?

You can see that your self-concept might be high in one or two of those areas, but low in other areas. And our goal is to elevate your self-concept as your business grows. And do you see that difference between belief plan work and self-concept work?

Belief plan is what you think about you, and you’re coaching, and your clients. Self-concept is more about how you want to show up in the world, who you want to really be. Man, it’s like the really good stuff.

Okay, so continuing on the high concept confidence work that we do in CCM, you will definitely all be working on some Gigi thinking. So the third one is Gigi thinking. And Gigi thinking is just kind of my fun little name for a very simple and powerful concept.

For me, Gigi thinking is the answer to the I don’t knows. I don’t know what to do so, I’m just not sure my mind is a blank. I got nothing. And Gigi thinking asks, “Okay, what do you know?” Gigi thinking is just accessing that part of your brain that I’ve named Gigi.

It’s your forward thinking brain, your prefrontal cortex. It’s that front part of you that separates us from the rest of the animals. Gigi is the believer in all that’s possible. She’s unreasonable in her goals and her dreams and her desires. And she’s unapologetic.

And Gigi thinking is simply spending dedicated time with that part of your brain so you can explore what do you know? What are you sure of? What is clear to you right now? And your ability to answer these questions reduces the amount of information you need from outside so-called experts, and helps you become your own expert.

Yeah, you remember that just tell me what to do that so many of you think that you want? No, I won’t tell you what to do. Let you tell you what to do. Gigi thinking is the way.

Okay, so the fourth one, mindset skill that you will learn, value practice. Okay, so the value practice is particularly handy if you struggle with selling and pricing and understanding what your value is as a coach. Just a 30 day value practice and holy shit, you’ll know exactly what your value is.

What’s the value of a consult call with you? What is the value of a one on one session with you? What is the value of working with you for 12 weeks? Or six months? Or a year? How do you already bring value? What ways could you bring more value? Those questions will really get your Gigi brain really noodling around.

And I do find, admittedly, I find the value practice can be a little tough at first because you’re going to be like, “What does the word value even mean? I don’t even know, I don’t even understand.” But I promise you it’s mind blowing and really business changing work to stay with it and let the answers come to you simply by asking them enough times until the answers start becoming clearer.

Okay, so two more. The fifth one is emotional strength training. Now, I’ve talked about this in depth before. I even believe I have like one of my way, way early podcast, I think was dedicated to my actual emotional strength training practice that I teach. And really, emotional strength training is for anyone really struggling to connect with their F line.

Remember, your T line is your thinking. Your F line is your feeling. And your A line is your actions. Remember, feeling ties thinking and actions. You can think all you want, and you can do all you want, but you got to be feeling it in between. You got to feel that thinking and that belief in your bones to truly shift the energy of your actions. Otherwise, it’s just like a check mark that you’re doing, you’re not actually dropping out of your head and into your body.

And if that F line feels like a barren wasteland because you’ve ignored it for 30 years, then emotional strength training is perfect for you to work on. And it’s simply a daily practice of tuning into how you feel in your body and being able to describe those sensations as if you were describing them to a five year old. To be able to sit in the sensations of the feelings.

And we’re talking about all the feelings. All of them. Every last one of them. The joyful and the positive, the painful and the difficult, because when you can feel anything, you can literally do anything. And honestly, let’s just be honest here, if you had emotional strength training to begin with, maybe those, “Here just do this” programs would actually work a little bit better because you’re not afraid to feel anything.

All right, last one. The last mindset that you will dive into and that you will learn how to use is the worthiness practice. And this is at the heart of having your own back. Do you believe that your enoughness, your worth is intact, even when you fail over and over again? Even when you fuck up? Even when you face-plant? Even when you make a mistake? Even when a client fires you or a stranger tells you that your messages are terrible. Even when you actually do accidentally mess up or things just don’t work out, and everything in between.

The worthiness practice is what’s there for you. And for those of you who really make that one consult call where you failed to connect with the person, you failed to help them see how this was going to help them and they turn you down. If you are struggling, like if that one call is the thing that makes you think, “This whole thing has to go, I’m terrible at this and I can never figure this out.” This is the practice you want to be working on, your worthiness practice.

Because it will teach you to love yourself, even when things are awesome and even when things suck ass. It doesn’t matter what your actions are, your results are, it doesn’t really even matter what you’re thinking and your feelings are.

You as a human being are fabulous, and brilliant, and amazing no matter what’s going on in your thinking, and your feeling, and your actions, and your results. Your worthiness practice will actually train your brain to see your worth and your enoughness, that it is intact whether you’re awesome or you’re sucking ass.

And here’s the thing, you are a human being. If you think you’re going to get through life, if you think you’re going to get through running a business without face planting, without making legitimate mistakes that make other people really upset with you, then you’re going to be playing too safe trying to avoid those situations. And you’re going to be keeping yourself small in order to avoid those situations.

And that’s why having a worthiness practice under your belt and knowing that you always have your own back is invaluable. Because I can guarantee you this, confidence is not only ever being awesome. You know that’s not possible. That’s why that belief has never worked, that confidence is believing that you can do everything perfectly and amazing all of the time.

No, you know that’s not true. You know that’s an impossible goal, that’s why you can’t create confidence from that. Confidence is knowing you can handle whatever comes your way. And your enoughness is not dependent on what you’re creating.

Okay, all right. So those are the six mindset focuses that I train you and my masterminds during that live event that kicks off CCM. And you will commit to one of these by the end of that live event for 30 days.

So what do you do the other five months, Amy? I’m so glad you asked. Well, this is where that container, that CCM room that I have created comes into play. I will create the space for you to figure out what you are going to do for the remainder of the five months.

Some of you will rinse and repeat. Some of you will just work on one of them. Some of you will work on a worthiness practice for six straight months. And some of you will re-sign and you’ll continue working on a worthiness practice. Some of you will spend a month with each one. Some of you might focus on two or three.

And what it is, is that our coaching sessions each week, our group coaching sessions each week will help you see where your work is and where you should focus your mindset of that mindset plus action plus evaluation. Maybe you start off on belief plan, but really value is what keeps coming up week in and week out. And CCM creates that room for you to be able to see where your work is so you know where to focus your mindset on.

And yeah, if you get completely stumped and you have no clue, I’ll tell ya. I have no problem telling a client, “Listen, I know you’ve been working on belief, but you’re kind of functioning like a robot. So let’s not worry about the belief so much and at least for the next two weeks let’s focus on just emotional strength training.”

I’m almost positive I just told a client that two weeks ago. Quit working on a belief plan. Your belief is not the problem, the problem is you’re not feeling shit. You’re not feeling any of the belief you’ve been working on. That’s what you need to work on.

And of course, yes, every single coach freaks out at some point or another that they should be doing all of it. Like well, how can I just choose one? Because there’s this thought that you have to master all of these mindsets in order to create that path to 100K.

And what I want to offer you is no you don’t. You can just work on one of them and just go deeper in one where this session leads to. You might dabble in some of the others but if you just master one of them and really focus on one of them you’ll be so much farther ahead than if you’re trying to jump around into each one because you think you have to master all of them by the time our six months is up.

And understand that it took me 15 months, my path to 100K was 15 months long. So that was going into three back-to-back sessions of my coach’s mastermind at the time. Some of you will do this in a shorter amount of time, some of you will do it longer. They’re all perfect timing.

I remember, my coach teaches the same concept over and over in each of her rounds. And it’s like two and a half years later and I’m like, “I finally get this one thing.” I finally figured out this one thing that she’s been trying to teach me for two years.

It’s so much less about mastering all of them, and so much more just really trusting that the individual work that’s in front of you is going to be your path. That you can create brilliant results, you can create that 100K and just focus on one of these, if that is the work that’s ahead of you.

And it is all in your perfect timing. All right, Coach? Okay, so next week, we’re going to break down actions. We’re going to break down that action step of the path to 100K formula. And remember, it’s mindset, plus action plus evaluation. These three things repeated over and over again every single week, the next six months, 12 months, maybe 24 months, however long it takes for you, that is your path to 100K.

And I mentioned earlier that my most requested free training starts next week. So this episode is coming out on November 30th. And December 6th through December 10th I’m running the Make More Offers free training. You will be making daily offers. You will be getting out of your head. You will be challenging rules. You’ll be challenging judgments. You’ll be challenging norms.

You’re going to learn how to say what you really want to say. You’re going to get uncomfortable, but you’re going to have the mindset to back it up. The Make More Offers takes the mindset plus action piece. So every day you’re going to have a mindset piece and an action piece so that you can go make an offer. And then at the end of it, we do an evaluation.

So you will actually see the path to 100K formula at play in a smaller version than what we do in the mastermind during the Make More Offers. So this is like striking a chord. If you’re picking up what I’m throwing down, if you’re like, “I’m liking what you’re saying, lady,” this free training is the training you need to do.

Now I’m pretty sure, at the time of this recording I have not confirmed the website address, I’m almost positive that it’s amylatta.com/makemoreoffers, all one word. I will be confirming that with my person as soon as I possibly can. But I’m almost positive that’s what it is.

Make More Offers. What I do know is this If you go to my Instagram account, Amy Latta, @Iamamylatta, I guarantee if you go there and you click on the links that my OBM, my business manager, has put the link in there. So Make More Offers December 6th through 10th. You’re going to want to be there if you like the path to 100K formula, mindset plus action plus evaluation. You’re going to get a taste of how that works in the Make More Offers training. It’s like a match made in heaven, so make sure that you get signed up.

And hey, you’re going to be making offers through the month of December. And you’ll be getting consults. This is how you’re going to increase engagement. And the last time I marketed this, I just marketed it as get more consults by increasing engagement. And people were signing freaking clients that they hadn’t signed in six months from this training. You want some clients between now and the end of the year? Get your ass in there, Make More Offers. All right? Okay. I love you guys so much. Until next week, let’s go fuck some shit up.

Coaches, I have created a brand new freebie offer just for you podcast listeners. I created a brand new training called Stop Over-Complicating Confidence. Because I see my coaches do it all the time, make this confidence thing way harder than it has to be.

In this free training you’re going to learn exactly how you over-complicate confidence, what’s creating that, and how to stop it. Here’s the best part, all of it less than an hour. Less than an hour of your time. You will feel more confident in less than an hour. Yeah, friends, this is the best training I’ve ever done. So visit amylatta.com/podcastgift to get yours. Again, that’s amylatta.com/podcastgift. Go now and feel more confident in just an hour.

Thanks so much for listening to The Confident Coaches Podcast. I invite you to learn more. Come visit me at amylatta.com and until next week, let’s go do epic stuff.

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Hi, I’m Amy.

For years, I took a ton of action to sign clients.

I learned to create self-confidence and powerfully believe in myself first, and then built a multiple six-figure coaching business.

And I can help you do it, too.

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Ready to take the actions that sign clients?

Despite your certification and investing in business courses, no one taught you what you really need. The self-confidence needed to take the actions that consistently sign clients.

I am sharing the three secrets I learned about creating self-confidence, right here.